Journaling is wonderful for you. But it's hard work: writing and typing are slow. So I made HeyOK, an iOS app where you journal with your voice. Just start talking, and HeyOK will transcribe your note and reply to your message with prompts that validate your emotions, help you vent, and help you find new perspective.

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.

Zippi product pivot

The founders of Zippi, an early-stage Brazilian startup, had just graduated from YC. They wanted to pivot from offering loans to focusing on savings. But how? Do users actually care about savings? Would trying to pivot blow up the company?

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.

Intercom Sign Up

Intercom has grown like a weed, from 4 cofounders to 450+ employees. Throughout that process, they've struggled with their pricing page and sign up experience. How should they respond to competitors? How to make changes when it takes so long to get significant results? They brought me on to resolve those questions.

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.

Stride Income

Stride, a series-B healthcare & tax startup, had heavily-seasonal core businesses. They asked me to create an experiment for a user experience that could drive everyday engagement. How do you guide a team through dozens of options and pressure test your assumptions, before shipping anything?

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.

Stride Host Experience

Stride, a series-B startup, partnered with AirBnB to help their hosts file their taxes. How do you structure a user experience from a partner to maximize conversions to your product?

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.

Intel Insight Platform

Intel wanted to redesign a SaaS tool to analyze data from industrial drones. I lead that redesign. How do you help a company that has been extremely successful in chips and manufacturing abandon a lot of their instincts to build software in a customer-centric way?

A chevron pointing to the right.
An image of a device showing the finished design for this project.